About us

We creators of ERGO are members of the Science Research Club at Hiroo Gakuen Senior High School in Tokyo, Japan. We are currently run by 12 students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade. The Club was initially founded as a scientifically-minded community where we could gather to broaden and deepen each other’s interests and knowledge in science. We focused on science in the real world, emphasizing how science was explored in research and industry. Our interests range across natural and applied sciences, and we had begun to pool a comprehensive knowledge base.

ERGO, for us, is a digital extension of our community. We want to share the experience of exploring science beyond the confines of secondary education. We hope that ERGO sparks your interest and motivation to delve deeper into many realms of science. Currently, we post articles on topics mainly in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Astronomy, Environmental Science, Engineering, and Psychology. We have also been adding quizzes as interactive resources to enhance understanding and have started to create video resources as well.

At this point, we post all of our articles in English. However, we desire to reach more students who are not familiar with English, so we hope to translate our content into other languages. Our team is situated in Japan, with many Japanese speaking members, so we have begun translating our articles into Japanese. In the meantime, we are always looking for kind bilingual and multilingual volunteers who will be willing to further our mission by making ERGO available to your home countries. If you are willing to join us, please access and send us the form below. 

On this page, we will also keep a record of events about ERGO or our team, such as fulfilling major milestones or notice for brief or long breaks we will take from uploading new content. 


If you have any inquiries or comments, please use the contact form from the button below:

Volunteer Application

If you are willing to help us translate our content into another language, please fill in the form below:


Beginning today, we have started looking for volunteers who are willing to translate our content into languages other than English and Japanese. By all means, you do not have to be a professional translator; if you have the passion and the ability to occasionally Google things, you should be perfect! Please apply from the link above if you are interested.

Since November 2020, we have been taking an extended break from uploading new content on ERGO. Most of our content creators are seniors at high school and were busy with university applications. Shortly, we will resume all past activities. Starting on February 12th, we will upload new articles about every four days. Thank you for visiting ERGO, and we hope we can continue to build this knowledge base! Please enjoy.

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