

How Does an Aurora Form? An aurora is a natural phenomenon caused by the interaction between high-energy particles (electrons) and neutral atoms in the Earth’s upper atmosphere. These high-energy particles can excite (by collisions) valence electrons that are bound to the neutral atom. The excited electrons can then return to their initial, lower energy state …

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Lithium-Ion Battery

Introduction Lithium-ion batteries are used in a wide range of things such as smartphones, computers, robots, and most other electronics due to their ability to store a high power capacity. Lithium-ion batteries can charge very quickly, are long-lasting, and currently provide the best technology to power electronics. A lithium-ion battery is made up of lithium …

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Neuralink is a company that was created in an effort to “merge computers with human brains. They are developing a device—same name as the company—that will first be used to help paraplegics with simple tasks such as using an iPhone and making mouse clicks on a computer—by making no physical movement. It is essentially a chip connected to wires which fan out into the human brain, capable of both recording brain activity and stimulating it.


History of Fireworks Historians believe that fireworks were invented by the Chinese in the second century. Everything started off by an accident when people noticed that bamboo sticks in their bonfires exploded with a bang. This was caused due to the fast-growing bamboo trapping air inside its stalks. A huge reaction with light and sound …

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Renewable Energy

Key Points Renewable energy currently accounts for about 27% of global electricity generation, but has a lower share in the heating and transport sector, resulting in a share of about 11% in global total energy consumption.  Currently, the largest renewable energy source is hydropower, but its growth is decelerating.  The renewable energy source with the …

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Fuel Cells

Unlike a battery, it does not store chemical or electrical energy; a fuel cell allows electrical energy to be extracted directly from a chemical reaction. When referring to fuel cells, the most commonly mentioned type is the PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) cell. This cell uses hydrogen gas (H2) and oxygen gas (O2) as fuel to make electricity and water vapor. Oxygen is readily available in the atmosphere and hydrogen is gathered through the process of electrolysis of water.

Natural Gas

Key Points Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel. It also is the quickest growing fossil fuel. Natural gas today accounts for about a quarter of global primary energy demand.  Alongside renewable energy sources, natural gas is considered as important to transition to a lower-carbon energy system. Global Energy Usage Global primary energy consumption is …

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Biomass Energy

What is Biomass? In short, biomass is any plant or animal material that is used to create energy. There are 6 general types of biomass and they are agricultural crops & residue, forestry crops & residue, animal residues, industrial residues, municipal solid waste, and sewage. ▲Diagram of Biomass Sources [11] How is Biomass Used? Biomass …

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History When told about opium, we don’t have a very optimistic view on it. However, taking a look at the roots of opium, people in the past were not as cautious as we are today. The earliest record of opium dates back to 3400 BCE in Mesopotamia (which is South Africa in the present). At …

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